A good historian tells a good story. The history of Holy Family Parish is a good story of a community that has made an enormous impact on northwest Denver. The story began in 1888 when Sacred Heart College (now Regis University) moved to West 50th Avenue and Lowell Blvd. The Jesuits who staffed the College, served the parish until 1918 when Bishop Tihen designated Holy Family as an Archdiocesan parish with a resident pastor, Father Cornelius O’Farrell.
The story continues with the establishment of a grade and high schools staffed by the Sisters of Loretto from the early 1920s until 1999 when Holy Family High School moved to their new campus in Broomfield to allow greater access to families in the suburban and Boulder-Longmont areas. Holy Family is known for its love for and support of Catholic education for its entire history. We are proud neighbors of Arrupe Jesuit High School and we enjoy a good relationship with the school.
Holy Family’s story is about the people who have worshipped, learned, played here for 130 years! The parish continues to be known for its warmth, friendliness, and sense of community where everyone is welcome, and every member is a gift.
With fewer than 1,000 households, Holy Family offers a wide variety of ministries and programs to help us all live our baptismal call to discipleship, following Jesus. Our weekend Masses are offered in both English and Spanish. Sacramental preparation for infant baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation/Confession, Confirmation, Marriage, is available. Visits to the elderly and homebound and the Anointing of the Sick are always available. We also invite our members to join our service ministries (for example our local Catholic Charities Gabriel House), our HF Book Club, our Altar and Rosary Society, and food for the poor ministry.
We are blessed so abundantly in our rich past and we say THANKS!
We are confident in our exciting and hopeful future and we say YES!