The Mission of the Bereavement Ministry is to support parishioners mourning the death of a loved one.
Assisting with Funeral Arrangements including funeral lunch receptions – Contact the church office 303.455.1664
Writing letter of condolence – Contact Rosemary Claassen 802.324.0276
All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance
A grief support group for those wishing to connect with others following the recent, or not so recent, death of a loved one/s. The group meets every third Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:30am in the Parish rectory. There is no charge and all are welcome. For further information, contact Rosemary Claassen, a parishioner and experienced grief group facilitator, 802.324.0276.
Provides information on Grief Support Groups, Education, and Community Resources, including Spanish Language Support Resources. Email, 720.748.9908
Judi’s House provides support to children and families grieving a death. Services are provided in English and Spanish to youth ages 3 to 25 to their families at no charge. 720.941.0331
Provides a broad range of information on suicide prevention, as well as on support groups and other resources.